Animation Tips in Photoshop

As I was working on my “tweening” this week I found a neat trick to help my Photoshop animations. Hopefully you can use it to help your animating too!

Using video group layers I started adding some inbetweens on my keys of this bird flapping its wings *1. When turned on the onion skinning it wasn’t obvious which layer was which *2.

Video layer animation visually confusing

In order to clear up the confusion I thought about coloring the inbetweens in different colors, but then I would have to redraw each frame. So, instead I used a hue saturation adjustment layer to only affect the layer before the one I was drawing *3.

Photoshop hugh saturation animation layer

Adding the Hue/Saturation turned the before frame red as seen above *3 . This helped me distinguish where to put my inbetweens.

The finished product hand drawn sparrow overhead final wing cycle

One more cool thing I’ve been using is the Animator’s Toolbar extension. I found it from this website . It’s been a big help in simplifying my workflow, mainly by allowing me to quickly edit frame length.


Be sure to check out the other stuff at . There are a lot of cool tutorials and resources.

Animation Tips in Photoshop

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